Occupational & Physical Therapy

Direct services include:
Screening, evaluation and treatment planning and implementation
Providing adaptive equipment and home programs as needed

In-direct services include:
Collaborating and consulting with physical education programs, classroom teachers, school administration and
       outside agencies
Participating in Planning and Placement Teams
Providing formal and informal in service presentations to school personnel and parents

Speech & Language Services

Speech-language pathologists provide assessment, analysis, and remediation that lead to improvement or correction of speech and/or language difficulties which interfere with a child’s ability to succeed in an educational setting.  Services also include:

Collaborating and coordinating with parents, teachers, and other school personnel
Participating in the building Planning and Placement Team meetings

Speech-language pathologists provide early intervention strategies such as:

Observing and screening student’s speech, receptive and expressive language skills
Suggesting modification strategies for the regular education classroom

School Nurse Services

School health services are provided by school nurses and, in an emergency, by our district medical advisor.  School nurse functions include:

Overseeing all students with special health needs
Providing minor medical treatment for all students
Conducting yearly weight, vision, hearing screenings and scoliosis screenings (grades 5-9)
Referring parents to appropriate community based health resources
Participating in the student study team and Planning and Placement Team process
Monitoring all state and federally mandated health services for public school students

School Psychologist Services

School Psychologists focus on social, emotional and cognitive factors that impact students’  educational achievement.  The role of the school psychologist includes:

Assisting educators to understand and develop programs and curricula that respond to Individual differences
       and the varied ways in which children learn
Teaching students and staff about peaceful ways to resolve conflicts, strategies for managing and coping with
       crisis, effective communication skills, and positive discipline Methods
Identifying needs and developing programs that prevent problems before they occur
Working with policy makers, teachers, administrators, social workers, counselors, parents and nurses to ensure 
       that the educational needs of the students are met

Developing and encouraging home-school relationships which make families a part of the educational process to
       help ensure students’ Success
Developing and implementing assessments and interventions that are appropriate and non-discriminatory.
       Assessments include standardized measurements, classroom observations and intake interviews.
Providing individual and group counseling services as recommended by the Planning and  Placement Team
Providing parent education workshops

School Social Work Services

As a member of the school’s interdisciplinary team, the school social worker works collaboratively to strengthen the child’s adjustment to the educational process.  Social worker district-wide functions include:

Helping students to achieve maximum benefit from their educational opportunities through individual
     and group counseling interventions
Assisting parents to participate effectively in their children’s education by enhancing parents’
     understanding of how to support them
Children’s learning experiences
Empowering children and their families to gain access to and effectively use community resources
Providing school-based teams with consultation services to promote understanding of factors that
     affect the student’s abilities to grow positively
Advocating for children and their families within the community to minimize environmental factors
     which inhibit learning by referring to appropriate service agencies