Post-secondary Transition Services



To deliver vocational/transition services and experiences to students ages 18-21


The Transition/Vocational program is a Transition community-Based Program (TCBP) which is a program provided entirely in a community location other than a district high school or on a high school campus. The Transition/Vocational program is individually designed, based on the specific IEP needs of students remaining at Plainville High School. The Transition/Vocational program may include further study in an area of career interest, volunteer/job placement, and career exploration with adult support. Supported transition to postsecondary educational programs, community awareness, daily living skills instruction, self-help instruction, and independent living skills are developed to better prepare students for life beyond high school. Programming/planning for students is based on evaluations, data, observation, and input from staff and parents through the PPT process. Programs concentrate on skill areas where additional supports are determined appropriate to achieve post-high school endeavors.

Resources for Parents: