Section Policy Number Policy Name
(1000) Community Relations 1000 Concept, Goals and Roles in Community Relations
(1000) Community Relations 1100 Non-Discrimination
(1000) Community Relations 1112 News Media Relations
(1000) Community Relations 1112 REG REGULATION - News Media Relations
(1000) Community Relations 1112.5 Communication with the Public
(1000) Community Relations 1114 District-Sponsored Social Media
(1000) Community Relations 1114 REG District-Sponsored Social Media
(1000) Community Relations 1120 Board of Education Meetings
(1000) Community Relations 1125 School/Family/Community
(1000) Community Relations 1141 Cooperation with Police Authorities
(1000) Community Relations 1141 REG Cooperation with Police Authorities
(1000) Community Relations 1142 REG Questioning of Students by Police
(1000) Community Relations  1150  Policy Regarding Possession of Deadly Weapons Or Firearms 
(1000) Community Relations 1210 School-Community Associations
(1000) Community Relations 1220 Citizens Advisory Committees
(1000) Community Relations 1250 Visitors And Observations In Schools
(1000) Community Relations  1250.5 School Volunteers, Student Interns And Other Non-Employees 
(1000) Community Relations 1251 Loitering or Causing Disturbance
(1000) Community Relations 1311 Staff Participation in Community Activities
(1000) Community Relations 1312 Public Complaints
(1000) Community Relations 1312 REG Public Complaints
(1000) Community Relations 1321 Public Performances by Students
(1000) Community Relations 1321 REG Public Performances by Students
(1000) Community Relations 1324 Soliciting Funds from and by Students
(1000) Community Relations 1325 Advertising and Promotion
(1000) Community Relations 1330 Use of School Facilities
(1000) Community Relations 1330.1 REG Rules and Regulations in the Use of School Facilities
(1000) Community Relations 1331 Smoking in School Facilities
(1000) Community Relations 1333 Athletic Fields Use
(1000) Community Relations 1333 REG REGULATION - Administrative Rules Plainville High School Athletic Fields
(1000) Community Relations 1340 Access to School Procedures and Materials
(1000) Community Relations 1500 Relations between Area, State, Regional & National Associations and the Schools