Section (1000) Community Relations
Policy Name Questioning of Students by Police
Policy Number 1142 REG
Date Approved 06/09/08
Date Revised  11/13/2017
Date Revised  
Date Revised  
Date Revised  

Law Enforcement Agencies 

Questioning of Students by Police 

The questioning of students by the police (and other law enforcement officials) will be conducted with strict regard for the constitutional rights of the student. Notice of these rights should be given to students by the police as standing procedure.

1. Incident on School Grounds:

The school administration retains the right to question student witnesses when conducting any investigation. However, a principal or his/her designee may request an investigation by the police of an incident which occurred on school grounds or otherwise affects the operations of the schools. In such an instance, when the police are interviewing or are taking statements from a student complainant and/or witness who is not a suspect, the Principal or his/her designee, in cooperation with the investigating police officer, will make reasonable attempts to contact the parent/guardian to invite their presence for interview.  If a reasonable attempt to contact the parent/guardian is unsuccessful and the interview of a complainant and/or witness is critical to an investigation regarding student safety, the principal or his/her designee must be present for the interview and the parent will be informed of the interview at the earliest possible time following the interview.

b. Questioning Suspect

When the police have identified a student as a suspect and the police wish to question the student, the principal or his/her designee shall (with the permission of the law enforcement authorities) notify the parent or guardian and request that the parent or guardian be present during the questioning.

(1) If the investigation deals with matters of public safety which require speedy investigation, and the parent or guardian cannot be reached, or cannot be present, then the principal or his/her designee may be present during the questioning, with the permission of the law enforcement authorities.

(2) If the investigation deals with incidents other than those involving public safety, the questioning of the student(s) shall be delayed until the parent or guardian is present.

2. Incident in the Community/non-school related incidents

Police questioning of students concerning incidents which occur in the community and/or which are not school-related will normally not be done on school grounds except that in matters dealing with public safety and the community interest, the procedures in Section 1.b(1), above will be followed.

3. Arrest on School Grounds

If the police arrest a student on school grounds, the parent or guardian shall be notified by the principal or his/her designee. A student who has been arrested may be removed from the school grounds by the police department.

Statutory references:

Connecticut General Statutes