Section (4000) Personnel
Policy Name Affirmative Action
Policy Number 4020
Date Approved 06/09/2003
Date Revised  04/05/2019
Date Revised  
Date Revised  
Date Revised  
Policy The Board of Education (Board) believes that a skillful and diverse staff contributes significantly to high quality, engaging learning environments, predicated on a climate of inclusion. To this end the Board directs the Superintendent to enact a planning process for the recruitment of a diverse staff.

The Board recognizes the diversity of the people who live in this school district and believes that this diversity should have an important bearing on all aspects of the school system’s activities. It is especially important that this diversity of the population be recognized in the recruitment, hiring, promotion, and assignment of personnel.

The Board, in accordance with C.G.S. 10-4a(3) and C.G.S. 10-220(a) will implement an affirmative action plan and a written plan for minority recruitment.

For the purposes of the Board’s affirmative action policy and the written Minority Recruitment Plan (Plan), the term “minority” shall mean African American, Native American, Asian American, Hispanic, women, and individuals with disabilities.

The Superintendent of Schools shall be responsible for developing specific recruiting procedures and appropriate interviewing and evaluation instruments to implement the Board’s policy. All such procedures and instruments shall comply with federal and state requirements.

Any Board employee who conducts interviews or selects professional or paraprofessional employees for any job in the school system will have read and had the Board of Education Affirmative Action Policy and Plan explained to them by the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee.

Legal Reference:

Connecticut General Statutes
10-4a (3) Educational interests of state identified.
10-151 Employment of teachers. Notice and hearing on termination of contract.
10-153 Discrimination on account of marital status.
10-220(a) Duties of Boards of Education.
46a-60 Discriminatory employment practices prohibited.
PA 16-41 An Act Concerning the Recommendations of the Minority Teacher Recruitment Task Force.
PA 18-34 An Act Concerning Minority Teacher Recruitment and Retention
Include Recommended Regulation R4111.3(a)/4211.3 provided by CABE which will serve as the “Written Minority Recruitment Plan” required by law. (CABE does not have the electronic version of the Regulation but see attached:
Minority Recruitment Plan (Regulation 4111.3)