Section (9000) ByLaws
Policy Name Election of Officers
Policy Number 9120
Date Approved 10/10/1989
Date Revised 11/12/2002
Date Revised 04/15/2004
Date Revised  
Date Revised  
Policy The board shall, at its first regular meeting following the biennial elections of its new members, in any event no later than one month after such new members take office, elect by a show of hands or by ballot, a chairperson and a board vice chairperson who shall hold their respective offices for a period of two years.

Board Officers

The chairperson shall preside at all of the meetings of the board, appoint all special committees unless elected by the board, serve ex-officio on these committees, and perform such other duties as may be delegated to him/her by the board.

In the absence of both the chairperson and the vice chairperson at a regular or special meeting, the superintendent shall call the meeting to order and the board may choose from its members by a majority vote a chairperson pro tempore to preside at the meeting. The chairperson pro tempore shall act in the capacity of the chairperson for that meeting only with all the rights, powers and duties of the chairperson as set forth in the bylaws of the board of education.

Vice Chairperson

The vice chairperson shall function as the secretary of the board of education and shall be responsible for signing documents needing such signatures and shall act as chairperson of meetings from which the regular chairperson may be absent.

In the absence of both the chairperson and the vice chairperson at a regular or special meeting, the superintendent shall call the meeting to order and the board may choose from its members by a majority vote a chairperson pro tempore to preside at the meeting. The chairperson pro tempore shall act in the capacity of the chairperson for that meeting only with all the rights, powers and duties of the chairperson as set forth in the bylaws of the board of education.