Energy conservation sticky notes

Plainville Community Schools
Energy Conservation Program Overview

In March 2012, Plainville Community Schools partnered with Cenergistic Inc., (formerly Energy Education ), to develop a comprehensive  school district energy conservation program to maximize efficiencies and reduce utility costs. Under the direction of the district's energy specialist, weekly energy program audits are conducted in all school buildings to ensure that energy conservation efforts are maximized wherever possible. As a result of these ongoing efforts, our school district reached the $1 million dollar cost avoidance savings mark in 2016. To date, thanks to the collective efforts of all district employees and students, Plainville Community Schools has now saved more than $3.3 million dollars in utilities costs, while making a positive impact on the local and global environment.

For further information please contact:Glowing Light Bulb.png

Lynn Davis, Energy Conservation Specialist
Telephone: (860) 793-3220 x6111
Email: [email protected]